Three rounds for time:
50 squats
30 push-ups
95/65 pound sumo deadlift high pulls, 15 reps
"Dude, my _____ hurts."
Have you ever caught yourself saying this statement in some way, shape, or form? I know at any given time I can pick some part of my body that does not feel quite up to speed or in all honesty downright hurts. As if at any given time my body is trying to sabatoge my progress in the gym. "I would have hit that lift if my shoulder was not feeling tweeky today." "My squats would feel so much better if my hips were not so tight." "Dude my back is killing me today." As crossfitters we are trying to become proficient in weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, sprinting, and endurance work all simultaneously. That is a pretty hefty workload and we train hard at all of them. Add in on top of that sedentary jobs, screaming kids, traffic, taxes, poor sleep patterns and trying to keep your damn zone blocks staight. It's a physical and emotional perfect storm of stress on your body that will restrict every productive range of motion your body was intended to be able to perform for pain free movement and athletic dominance.
All is not lost though. On tommorows rest day Doc Jay and I will be running everyone through a crash course on mobility and recovery. There is only so much time in the gym so we want to arm you with some knowledge on how to take care of yourselves not only here but outside the gym walls. If reduced pain is not enough for you we will be talking about how all this will improve your Fran time and help you hit that next squat PR as well.
We will be doing this at all regular class times so I encourage everyone to attend and if anyone wants to bring in a non-member to get a little education on how to make life a little more comfortable feel free.
And if you don't make it watch for something flying at your head next time you say "Dude, why does my __________ hurt?!?"